Ever wondered how to grind and polish concrete floors? Here you will learn the basics and all that goes into the process to give your floors that beautiful shine!
How to Grind and Polish Concrete Floors – An Insight Into Your Floors
Firstly, we use state-of-the-art equipment here at EcoGrind. We use a grinder that levels the concrete down. A grinders function is to remove a thin layer from the floors surface which you eventually intend to polish. There are two separate sets of wheels on the grinder, one is for transporting the machine, while the other is used for the actual grinding. We grind until we reach a consistent level then we check for air holes, dust holes and pivot holes.
Now finally for the polishing. The polishing includes a coarse grit polishing disk which smoothes out the concrete and creates a shine. A coarse grit polishing disk is a great way to get rid of rough areas and stubborn stains. This process begins at one end of the floor and moves upward using a side to side motion until the whole floor is covered. Then, we switch to a fine grit polishing disk. This time moving in a circular motion to cover the area but refrain from overlapping to keep the area even.
At this point the concrete for has a beautiful shine, however, for that extra glossy sheen, an extra fine polishing disk to give your floor that beautiful glass-like surface.
At this point, we add your choice of sealer, (epoxy, polyurthane or acryllic) which will seal in your polished concrete and give you a waterproof, allergen free and pet friendly floor.
These floors are easy to maintain – simply use some warm water and soap to wash your floors!
We aim to create long-lasting and beautiful floors that are maintainable and eco-friendly. That is why we created this How to Grind and Polish Concrete Floors guide to gain some insight into one of our biggest passions! Contact us today at EcoGrind for a quote!