The world of concrete is surprisingly diverse and complex. With a variety of Different Ways to Finish Concrete, it can be tough for beginners to wade through the options and find a style that suits them. 

To help put things into perspective, we’ve selected four of our most popular concrete finishes out of the different ways to finish concrete. These represent some of the common finishes available, offering a great jumping off point to understanding concrete finishes and deciding which is the right one for you!

Polished Concrete

With an elegant gloss and refined shine, polished concrete is the go-to finish for contemporary indoor spaces and commercial showrooms. With a fresh, clean aura, it creates the perfect canvas and complements most décor choices. Polished concrete is achieved by vigorous and repetitive grinding, honing, and polishing using specialised abrasives.

Different Ways to Finish Concrete

Grind and Seal

Grind and seal boasts a similar look to polished concrete, but is achieved using an easier and less-intensive technique. Unlike polished concrete, which uses progressively finer grits to vigorously polish the floor until shiny, grind and seal uses a topical sealer to produce the same effect. This skips the arduous and time-consuming labour of polishing while making the entire process more affordable.

Exposed Aggregate

Exposed aggregate sees the concrete’s top layer removed to reveal the stones and pebbles buried underneath. This creates intricate, dynamic patterns making slabs exciting and energetic. While most often used outside for paths, driveways, and patios, it also looks amazing indoors!

Acid Etch

Acid is applied to burn away the surface layers of concrete, revealing the buried layers and creating unique patterns. The final result is a rustic and highly durable finish that perfect for driveways and other concrete slabs exposed to the elements. 


While these four concrete finishes are our most popular, they just begin to scratch the surface of what concrete can do. To discover more, take a look through the Eco Grind website or contact us today!

Different Ways to Finish Concrete