It’s simple to choose to have polished concrete floors – it’s just as simple to maintain them!

Here at EcoGrind, our floors are one of the easiest to maintain and clean. So, without further ado, here are some tips and tricks to cleaning polished concrete floors.

polished man cave

  1. Know Your Traffic

By ‘traffic’ we mean the level of use your floor will go through over time – not the car jam outside! Is your concrete floor in an office or retail space? Or is it in a quiet, less disturbed area in a home? Depending on the space, your polished concrete floors may be used frequently everyday by a lot of people or it could be admired and walked upon here and there. Whichever category your floor may fall into, it’s a good idea to know how frequently you will need to clean, sweep or mop your floors.


  1. Know Your Space

In a commercial space (hospital, hotel, office or factory) certain chemicals, spills or heavy items may be a worry. In a retail space (store front, café or shopping centre) the amount of people tracking in dirt, mud and rubbish could be high. A patio in a backyard may bring leaves and mud on rainy or windy days.

Whatever your location, make sure to work out how often you will need to clean your floors and in what way. Some outdoor areas only need sweep once a week for dirt and leaves whereas indoor areas that are exposed to spills need to be mopped up or wiped every now and then.

This is the beauty of cleaning polished concrete floors – they are easy to maintain with either a sweep or a mop and they will always look beautifully clean and polished for years to come.

cleaning polished concrete floors


  1. Soap and Water is All You Need

If certain messes need to be cleaned with something damp, the best thing about polished concrete is that it doesn’t need special cleaners! Wooden surfaces and certain tiles may need waxes or caulking to be maintained over the years and spills may cause staining or marks.

As polished concrete floors don’t usually have separations or cracks, spills are easily cleaned up. Plus, it’s scratch and stain resistant surface means no second thoughts after clean up!

The unique grind and polish treatment it goes through means no extra chemicals, waxes or sprays! Just soap and water – like washing windows.

cleaning polished concrete floors


Cleaning polished concrete floors shouldn’t be laborious – that is why we love our floors and how maintainable they are. They the perfect modern floor in today’s market and offer the highest quality shine and longevity with the least amount of work and worry.

For any queries and enquires contact us today at EcoGrind.